Jesus Loves You
Welcome, and thank you for visiting East Benton Christian Church online. We hope that our website highlights who we are and what we stand for and why we exist. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site and come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor. The East Benton Christian Church is a family of believers who enjoy the preaching and teaching of God's Word. Our time of worship and fellowship is sweet
Sunday Service: 9:30am-10:30
Morning Worship
Sundays at 9:30am
Worship and teaching of God’s Word.
Followed by a time of fellowship and refreshments
Sunday School
Sundays at 11:00am
Pre-K - 5th Grade
6th Grade -12th Grade
Child care available
Prayer & Praise
Wednesday at 10am & Thursday at 6pm
A time for singing, sharing of testimonies, & messages from the Word.
Followed by a time of prayer.
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you”
-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Weekly Sermon
This weeks: Listen Here